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Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Guest Reviewer - Dev.

Okay, Mr Craiggy here. So, as was mentioned a while back, Three Guys had a contest to publish a guest review on the site by being our 500th pageviewer. This was won by Dev and so this is what he's given us.

Hatchet: A Review by Devin Morgan

Okay, Hatchet… is a slasher film, directed by Adam Green, and stars Kane Hodder as Victor Crowley. If you have Kane Hodder in any movie, he’s usually a serial killer, like Jason Vorhees… So that’s good!

It has boobs, no sex, Marilyn Manson’s “The New S**t”, takes place during Mardi Gras, about 8 or 9 kills, and has a cliff-hanger ending… And it’s kind of based off of Friday the 13th (It says on the documentary, “His Name was Jason: 30 Years of Friday the 13th”), and Kane Hodder was Jason Vorhees in a few films…

It’s a horror-comedy film, that makes fun of Friday the 13th, and Halloween. The kills are mostly practical, but with a few CGI glimpses to make the kills a little bit better.

It’s a good horror film, and I’d give it a 3.3 (out of 5) decapitated heads on the regular film scale, and 4.9 (out of 5) on the independent, horror film scale!

And I’m sorry, I couldn’t film this… No, don’t cry… No, no… Don’t hit me!!

But since I couldn’t film this, here’s a video made by me:

Also, Hatchet has a sequel, called "Hatchet II" (Already, on DVD and Blu-Ray), and "Hatchet III" is going to be released in theaters this fall...

Thank you, this has been 'Dev'... Winner of the 'Three Guys Page-view Contest'!!

1 comment:

  1. Opps... Hatchet II is going to be released this year!! Sorry!!

    III is going to be released next year!!
