Author - All of us!
Firstly, don't forget to go to our new Facebook page and 'like' us. You can find us here
Well people, it's finally here. A massively HUGE apology for the incredible delay on this one! What with real life stuff, trouble with video uploaders, camera issues and a deranged ninja ferret, this review took a long time to make... But it's finally here, so sit back and enjoy our 30th Article!
Transformers Review from Three Guys on Vimeo.
And as mentioned, here is a video segment containing the animation errors The Dave referenced. Enjoy! They start at roughly 8 minutes in, so feel free to load and skip to then:
And then of course, there's our very first GAG REEL!! Yes, we're planning on doing these more often from now on I think, mainly because we need to wait for the camera to adjust its lighting when I start recording on the capture software I use, so we need to fill time. So here we go!
Transformers review gag reel from Three Guys on Vimeo.
Hopefully, we'll have some more videos up soon, and definitely more articles! The Three Guys team are back in business!! Viva la Reviewlution!!
This is Mr. Craiggy, The Dave, and Sidders, signing out for Three Guys!
A special thanks to Jon Hancock, Alex Merry and Matt Moylan for their contributions.
All copyrights given in the video,
Please don't sue us!
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