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Saturday, 20 August 2011

Bonus Post - Descent!

Okay, this one wasn't planned, but we were having so much fun playing the game that we decided to film the footage. So yeah, another bonus video for you, so yeah, this one's not in continuity either!


Descent Bonus Video from Three Guys on Vimeo.

Descent is the property of Fantasy Flight games... The same people who make Tannhauser... Damn they make a lot of fun, if overly complex and time consuming board games!

Friday, 19 August 2011

Bonus Post - Cowboys VS Aliens.

- Author: Sidders (Blurb by Mr. Craiggy)

Okay, a few things about this post.

1. Yes, I know my windowsill's messy.

2. This is a bonus post separate from regular Three Guys continuity so do not count this with regards to our ongoing jokes.

3. I think Sid got confused with the days. I think Cowboy VS. Aliens is out today, not tomorrow...

All this being said, enjoy the video: