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Friday, 19 August 2011

Bonus Post - Cowboys VS Aliens.

- Author: Sidders (Blurb by Mr. Craiggy)

Okay, a few things about this post.

1. Yes, I know my windowsill's messy.

2. This is a bonus post separate from regular Three Guys continuity so do not count this with regards to our ongoing jokes.

3. I think Sid got confused with the days. I think Cowboy VS. Aliens is out today, not tomorrow...

All this being said, enjoy the video:

1 comment:

  1. Awesome film review guys, really into it. Just a suggestion (and I'm sure you've already spotted this), maybe a little more lighting in your next recording?

    Really looking forward to the next one.

    btw if you're interested, I can post your film reviews on our other website MoneySavingLifestyle.com and maybe even mtgUK?

