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Thursday, 1 September 2011

hunger games trilogy review

points i forgot to mention:

the characters are very dark, very complicated and therefore very human, i found myself yelling at the pages when a character did something they shouldn't! and i nrealy cried on 2 occasions becuase you become so emotionally invested in the characters and their situation.

there is a social message bout how the children are the ones to suffer due to adults and war and shellshock etc but i only care that its a fun read tbh; very cleaver takes on some ideas and creative. and with Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss in teh film i now have 2 reasons to love it more :D

Points Sidders Forgot to Mention Further:
Capital letters.
This is another bonus post.
Skynet is aware.
The Game.
Three Guys don't usually do bandwagon books, but in this case we'll let him off.
Hunger Games is the intellectual property of its author and now the production company making the films, this review is done purely for entertainment purposes and is in no way intended to breech copyright laws. Please don't sue us.



  1. The movie kinda worries me--still not sure about Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss, but I have to say, the trailer looks pretty freaking epic, so time will tell!

  2. I lost the game.
