Okay, so here's the deal.
We're three guys with WAY too much time on our hands, as the blog title suggests, and so what we intend to do is use this blog for various different things: Reviews for films/games/TV/food/anything! General life stuff, observations, fun things, links that we think you should be aware of, that sorta stuff...
So, to introduce you to our team, there's currently myself - MrCraiggy
Real Name: Craig J. Morgan
Favourite Colour: Violet
Favourite Book: The Bible, or anything by Dan Abnett
Favourite Film: The original Star Wars trilogy
Favourite Game: Mario Kart 64
Other Interests: Wrestling, roller blading, snooker/pool, writing, music, drawing, anime/manga, cooking, roleplay/board games
Interesting Fact: Being northern, I do in fact bleed gravy instead of blood...
Quote: "I've never been beaten by life yet; why would I choose to start now?"
There's The Dave
Real Name: David Wallbank
Favourite Colour: Blue with a hint of awesome
Favourite Film: The new Batman reboots, Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Wererabbit, Matrix, Hot Fuzz
Favourite Game: Jet Set Radio Future, Unreal Tournament, the Broken Sword series, Left 4 Dead (online)
Other Interests: Drawing/painting/ceramics, roleplaying, outdoorsy stuff
Interesting Fact: The word 'robot' comes from the czech 'robota', meaning drudgery, forced labour, servitude - Oh, you meant about me?
Quote: "As wise as an Owl stuck in honey..." (Don't ask)
And then our third guy, who hasn't actually agreed to this yet, but he will, we know he will, is Sid; or as I have affectionately dubbed him: "Sidders", so more on him later.
So that's the team! We hope you enjoy our stuff, and we hope to not just be a text based site, hopefully we'll be able to get some video posts up here too if and when we figure out how to do that.
Adios for now,
MrCraiggy out!
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