Hi guys, basically due to various constraints we cant yet release the reviews in store. Instead im here to tell you that despite this I will keep you updated with some information. So still keep tuned, for now however I have something to get your jaws into, which thankfully involves no 'jaws' films what-so-ever.
Firstly let me talk about some things I wish to share with you, im one of these who has recently been transported into the wild wastes known as manga and anime. A crazy world of crazy haircuts and ambiguously aged girls in revealing clothing, there are those that I personally feel have artistic flair, unique quality or abit of both. And if theres one I will advise for those who enjoy a laugh on multiple levels it would be The Legend Of Koizumi. So what is this all about and why do I need to look out for it? theres no real easy way to describe this other than its a fast paced, fun poking manga/anime machine which parodies Japanese culture, various politics and polaticians and just as funny seems to light-heartedly parody the very genre that it stands in.
In short it makes fun of both itself and politics, Koizumi is the main protagonist and throughout he's depicted as an over the top paragon/hero to his people, Junichiro Koizumi was in fact the 89th prime minister of Japan and was an extremely respected and loved politician and his wavy grey hair has become an icon of his.... (im being deadly serious) hell! he even picked up the nickname 'lion heart' due to his hair and fierce spirit, along with 'Maverick' due to him shaking things up. So it is no surprise that this anime/manga has taken a satrical heroic approach to his under-lineing character, free with matching mane. (Expect a brand of Koizumi, pump action actionman dolls)
I mean who needs G.I Joe when you can have a man this great! In the manga series it developes a little bit more than the anime which dives straight into the action. The thing about this anime/manga is that everything is sorted via the game Mahjong in the manga the main protagonist saves the clumsy Taizo twice, so you can imagine how often these strange and weird battles take place. If you have noticed I have said battles as opposed to Mahjong games you would have noticed right, because these games feel like battles and are played out in an epically over the top scale. I maybe reading into it too much but it has an atmosphere that makes me think that its putting its middle finger up at anime shows like 'Yu Gi Oh' by making comical statements about how ridiculously over the top these shows based on card games etc... are, I would even go so far to say that it is laughing at the very manga/anime genre... the over the top caricatures of the politicians the relentless fast pace and surreal situations, its allmost jarring if it wasn't for its style, comedy and flair.
In the manga Koizumi often makes jokes about how Japan deal with politics via anyway possible (cheating or not) and makes a few statements. This series isn't however for everyone, its not to be taken seriously and it is making light-hearted jokes on a political level, however it is a unique and obscure series which is one of few which strives to be different.
So heres a link to the first episode...so enjoy and thanks again for reading and hopefully in a month or so time you will have fully fledged videos to watch.
Thanks from, 'The Dave'
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