Author - MrCraiggy
Okay, so, once again Tuesday has passed us by and it's time for my next NXT update.
This week's show is an interesting one, as not only do we have our usual Pros and Rookies, but also we have the Rookies of season one, currently involved in a storyline on WWE's Raw show where they are a heel (Bad) stable (Group)called the Nexus. So first, a little backstory on this. Wade Barret won the first season of NXT, which made me happy as not only is he English, but from the best part of England, the north. And not only is he northern, but practically a neighbour to me, being from Manchester. Hurray for local talent! Anyhoo, after season one of NXT finished, Wade Barret and the other NXT rookies came on Raw and started some trouble, Wade claiming that WWE management treated them unfairly and how they all wanted contracts. This story has progressed and now they all have contracts and are focussing on kicking seven shades of the brown stuff out of John Cena, which I am very much enjoying.
So here they are, back on NXT and claiming they want no trouble, they just want to enjoy the show... We shall see.
So, on to our first match, a tag match between The Miz and Alex Riley against Mark Henry and Lucky Cannon. Now, the previous night on Raw, Mark Henry was announced as the final participant in Raw's "Money in the Bank" match this coming weekend and so had to wrestle a match against The Miz. So this is kind of almost a grudge match, but not played up on at all... Because NXT's all about the Rookies after all.
Alex Riley started the match off against Henry and got thrown around a bit whilst spouting about getting through him to get to The Miz. I'm warming more to Riley, but I still think his gimmick is too similar to Jack Swagger's at the moment for him to go anywhere currently. Henry finally throws Riley out of the ring and then starts shouting at Miz, reminding everyone that these two have issues, but I just want to watch the Rookies... Is that so much to ask in a show about them? So, seeing that The Miz is reluctant to tag, Henry tags in Cannon who hopefully will have a chance to show off a bit more after some tough breaks these past few weeks. Needless to say, we get this. Cannon gets some nice offense in, showing both some technical and striking ability and knocking Riley outside again but then it goes horribly wrong as Cannon tries to dive out after Riley with a 'Plancha' (Nothing difficult, just jumping out over the top rope and landing onto your opponent) but coming a bit short and, from the camera angle, it actually looks like he caught his head on the 'steel' ring steps... If that was a genuine mistake, that'll cost him...
Genuine mistake or not, the match carries on and The Miz is tagged in to beat on Cannon some more. Once again, Michael Cole is annoying as ever with his commentary, making cultural references, likening The Miz to other sporting coaches to try and sound cool... Guh, I wish they'd fire him... Anyhoo, we get a brief bit of Miz and Henry, blah blah blah, Miz sneaks a tag to Riley who then gets beaten by Henry, match over. Not bad, but nothing special.
After this, we get a video segment of the Pros talking about Riley, same story, Morrison and Rhodes making me chuckle as usual. But back to the action! No WWE, I said action, not a recap of Nexus pounding on Cen- Oh, okay, but only because I like watching Cena get beaten up. No, no, NO! I said action! Not Percy Watson's talk-show segment that he questionably won in last week's "Talk the Talk" challenge... Ugh, this is going to be painful... Oh, look, they called it "Showtime", how original, because that's his ring name... I can feel the aneurysm forming already. Oh well, let's get this over with. I hope he interviews the Nexus and gets beaten up...
I can barely understand a word he's saying and from the sound of the crowd reacting when he gets them to spout his "Oh yeah!" catchphrase, I'm pretty sure hardly any of them can either... Slow down when you speak! Honestly... How did he win this again?!
So, his guest is his Pro, MVP. *sigh* And I was hoping for another six-on-one beatdown on someone I hate from the Nexus.
Wow, the crowd really don't know what to make of this... And I can't blame them. Seriously, MVP just asked them to give Percy a pat on the back for learning so much and doing so well, and like, barely anybody clapped or anything... Are you watching WWE? Are you learning? I hope so! And so the segment continues, degenerating into an en masses Rookies VS Pros brawl, again... But wait, oh no! Matt Striker comes out and makes it an official match, Rookies and Pros, every man for themself in an over the top rope Battle Royale! This could be fun! Oh, this is getting even better, Wade Barret jumps in and gets the Nexus involved, making it a 20 man Battle Royale. So, this is apparently the big match of the night, I'll try and keep up and point out the good bits.
The match starts with Nexus clearing the ring and letting everyone else wear each other down and thin the field first. Clever, but expected. So, Mark Henry gets eliminated first and Nexus pounce, kicking him while he's down. Eli's out next and Nexus do the same. Beginning to see a pattern?
MVP's out, then Kofi and Morrison come to his aid, but didn't eliminate themselves so promtply get back in the ring. Aaaaand Percy's out, hurrah! Sadly Nexus are back in the ring, so no beatings for him... Husky Harris has a valiant effort of taking Nexus on 6-on-1, but promptly gets eliminated, around the same time as Alex Riley and Kaval too. Oh look, all of this season's Rookies have been eliminated and it's the remaining Pros against Nexus... Come on WWE! This is NXT, it's supposed to be about the development of the Rookies, not your storylines! Anyhoo, it's 6-on-5, Zack Ryder starts mouthing off, which is kinda funny, but then gets eliminated by The Miz who then gets a telling off from Morrison, but this kinda works, as Miz was a Pro on season 1 too, and he's talking about that, yadda yadda yadda, I don't care now, I wanted to watch the Rookies. Miz eliminates himself dropping it to 2-on-1 odds for the Pros, Morrison, Kofi and Rhodes. Rhodes does nothing, Morrison fights back (Because he's ace!) So Kofi and Morrison get eliminated leaving Rhodes 6-on-1, we've seen it all before... And then another issue with this match that I had was, it's supposedly every man for himself. Wade Barret even said before the match that he was going to win it, but once Rhodes is eliminated, the bell is rung and Nexus are declared all winners... Wha?
So, the show ends with Nexus boasting once again how awesome they are. Blah blah blah. For a show supposedly about the next generation of the WWE, they did nothing this week... Very disappointed, not with the Rookies (Aside from Percy) no, but the WWE in general... Yes, understandably, they want to get Nexus more screen time and establish them as the new villains etc. But do it on their own show! Now, arguably, NXT was their show first, but they moved on, they're on Raw now, and they should stay there in my opinion! I don't watch NXT for the Pros or Nexus, I watch for the Rookies, and as such am sorely disappointed by this week's episode... Anyways, Money in the Bank pay-per-view this weekend, and two weeks til the next elimination, so here's hoping we get some better performances between then...
This is Mr Craiggy, signing out.
NXT and all characters and copyrights belong to the WWE.
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