Authors - The Dave/MrCraiggy
Okay, so Dave's getting top billing on this one because he found this B-E-A-utiful link!!
MrCraiggy: Do you know what this means?! Do you? Tell us! Because I sure don't, aside from perhaps one of the most exciting sequel announcements since, EVER!! I mean come on, this guy has a swordspear, how is that not badass?! Plus he summons big fiery demon hands to tear things apart and mess shizz up!! Plus, to those who've played the first Dragon Age, recognise the narrator voice? We both think it sounds a bit like Flemeth... Possible plot hook? Who knows.
All I can say is that I am now very excited about this game. I loved the first Dragon Age and always thought that there needed to be more. Now I know there's going to be, so I am literally wetting my pants with excitement... Okay, well, maybe not that much, but still, WOW! Dave?
The Dave: Yeah, and seeing as it's Bioware, we know we're in for a very in depth, fun, playable experience. And if it's anything like the last one, it's going to blow us away. Every game they've brought out of this type (Kotor, KotorII, Mass Effect, Mass Effect II, the original Dragon Age) have always proven better than the previous game, so this one promises lots!!
This has been Mr Craiggy and The Dave, signing out for Three Guys!
*The Dave's UPDATE!!!* Brilliant update confirmation is that like 'Mass effect' your character will be fully voiced and ontop of that imports are available, maybe not for your character but for the choices that your previous character made, so as a new individual in the story of 'Dragon Age 2' you will notice things that relate to your past experience in 'Dragon Age: Oragins' and we all know how much you love your Bioware romance moments where you can choose to seduce a companion....well its back and not only with companions some NPC'S will also be available to fine dine and romance. So to say me and Craig are looking forward to this is an understatement, bring on March next year!
I thought it was Flemeth too!