Author - MrCraiggy
No, no, not the song... The game! (Sorry to all people who follow this global trend)
Zombies!!! (Yes, the exclamation marks are a part of the title) is a board game by a company called Twilight Creations.

And this is quite possibly the most fun someone can have with up to six people... I mean, what else could six people in a room, all alone possibly think of to occupy themselves other than a board game? (Clean your minds!)
The objective of Zombies!!! is to escape a city that is infested with the walking dead. To do this, the player must be the first to reach the centre of the helipad play tile. Now, to put this in to a little perspective for you, the board starts out with just one tile, the town square. All players start in the centre square of this tile and each turn, the player draws a tile from the deck and places it as they see fit, also placing a number of zombies and tokens on the tile too. Some tiles are just simple bits of the city, but some are specialist locations such as the police station or shopping mall and as such have more zombies to contend with. The player then rolls for their own movement, moves and then at the end of their turn, they roll a dice to see how many zombies they get to move and effectively send after the other players, insert evil laughter here...
Now, here's where the play gets fun; each player has three special 'event' cards which they can play one per cycle of turns. These can range from anything such as "Hey look, a shotgun" which adds to their combat rolls against zombies, to the very annoying "Bad sense of direction" card which returns a target player right back to the starting square...
As you can guess, this game can get very, and I mean very competitive, with arguements and backstabbings aplenty, so be sure of your security in your friendships before playing with this game, or just play with people who annoy the hell out of you in the first place, just so you can get some revenge.
Twilight Creations have also produced expansions to Zombies, providing different locations. Some of which include a circus, a high school, a military base and a prison. Each of these expansions provide new event cards and new map tiles to add to your game, some of them even provide new zombie models, like the circus expansion having clown zombies. They have also released a sister game called Humans!!! where players take on the role of the zombies and chase after the humans. The fun thing here is that both games are designed to work together, some players playing humans, some playing zombies and chaos following along not far behind. There is another game also by Twilight Creations which involves martians, but I have only seen the box and have never really paid much attention to it as I imagine it'll be more of the same.
All in all, the Zombies!!! franchise, including Humans!!! is an excellent concept and provides hours of fun and often frustration, but if you're willing and able to put the time in to this game, I promise you shall not be disappointed!
MrCraiggy out.
Twilight Creations can be found at: http://www.twilightcreationsinc.com